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Reescreva as frases colocando os verbos destacados no Past Continuous:
a)The boys were PLAY chess.
b)The boy was SIT on the floor.He was READ a comic book.
c)She was COMB her hair.
d)They were EAT sandwiches.
e)The girl was SLEEP on the blackboard

Sagot :


a)The boys were PLAY chess.

the Boys were playing chess

b)The boy was SIT on the floor.He was READ a comic book.

The vou was sitting on the floor. He was reading a comic book

c)She was COMB her hair.

She was combing her hair

d)They were EAT sandwiches.

They were eating sandwiches

e)The girl was SLEEP on the blackboard

the girl was sleeping on the blackboard

i hope this help

A) were playing
B) was sitting/ was reading
C) combing
D) eating
E) were eating
F) was sleeping
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