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leia o quadro abaixo. as quarto pessoas tiveram um ótimo final de semana? o que eles fizeram?

CAROL It was my birthday. My boyfriend Daniel came to my house to take me out for dinner. I opened the door, and he had a big bunch of flowers and a very nice car. He rented the car just to take me out. I was really surprised.
MICHAEL I went to our house in the country with my Family. It’s a small house in a village in the mountains. We often go there at the weekends and we usually go there for a few weeks in the summer. It was really hot when we went this weekend. It was 35 degrees. I was surprised because it’s July. It’s usually cold.
SANDRA I had a really terrible weekend. My boyfriend tooke me out to this really expensive restaurant. In the middle of our dinner, he gave me a very beautiful ring and he asked me to marry him. I was really surprised. I said no. I like him, but I knew I didn’t want to marry him. He was quite angry and sad. It was awful.

RAY I had a great weekend. My wife and I got married 30 years ago. My wife and I were really surprised when our son came to our house on Thursday evening. He then took us to the airport and gave us two tickets to go to Rome! He paid for everything: the flight, the hotel, everything. We had a lovely weekend. We remembered the night we got married. It was wonderful.​

Sagot :



O primeiro sim, o 2º e o 3º não! Mas o 4º sim!

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