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1- Complete os espaços com o pronome correto e em seguida responda as perguntas.

Mike is twenty nine years old and lives in the USA. ________ ( He/ His) has a car and __________( he/ his) car is yellow. Mike is married and has one son.  Louise is _________ ( he /his) wife  and _______(she / her) nickname is Lisa.

_________ ( They/ Their) are a happy family from the USA. ___________ ( They /Their)  favorite TV program is Larry King's program, which __________ (they / their watch every week.

Mike and Lisa are doctors and _________ (they / their) work at a large hospital. Josh is _________ ( they / their) son and he is seven years old. Josh loves to play soccer with _________( he / his)  friends from school.

Mike and Lisa decided to have another child next year and __________ (they/ their) are very happy with this. 

Lisa's parents are from Alabama and Mike's parents are from Los Angeles. This year, __________ ( they /their) are going to spend Christmas together again because ________ ( they / their ) love __________ (they / their) family.

2. How old is Mike?

3. What color is his car?

4. Is Mike married or single?

5. What's his wife's name?

6. Do they have children?

7. Why are they going to spend Christmas ?

Sagot :

Oi! Boa noite!


Mike is twenty nine years old and lives in the USA. _He_ has a car and _his_ car is yellow. Mike is married and has one son.  Louise is _his_ wife  and _her_ nickname is Lisa.

_They_ are a happy family from the USA. _Their_ ( They /Their)  favorite TV program is Larry King's program, which __they_ watch every week.

Mike and Lisa are doctors and __they_ work at a large hospital. Josh is _their_ son and he is seven years old. Josh loves to play soccer with _his_  friends from school.

Mike and Lisa decided to have another child next year and __they_  are very happy with this.  

Lisa's parents are from Alabama and Mike's parents are from Los Angeles. This year, _they_  are going to spend Christmas together again because _they_ ( they / their ) love _their_ family.

2. How old is Mike?

Resposta: He is twenty nine years old

3. What color is his car?

Resposta: His car is yellow

4. Is Mike married or single?

Resposta: He is married.

5. What's his wife's name?

Resposta: Her name is Louise.

6. Do they have children?

Resposta: Yes, they do.

7. Why are they going to spend Christmas ?

Resposta: They are going to spend Christmas together again because they love their family.

Espero ter ajudado 3>

Se puder, marque como a melhor resposta :)

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