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I don’t like to wait! I usually go to the supermarket to buy food and soda. The supermarket is clean and beautiful – many people go there. When I arrive at the supermarket, I look for the things I need to buy. When I finish, I pay and go back home. I don’t like to be at the supermarket for a long time – I don’t have much patience. I think it’s because often there are many people at the supermarket. When there are few people, I have more patience. When there are many people, I don’t have much patience. You have to wait, wait and wait. It is very boring to wait. I hate to wait. I have many things to do at work and at home. So, I never like to wait. If you want to be my friend, don’t keep me waiting. Waiting is a nightmare!

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Sagot :


vou pesquisar e te falo ok