Obtenha as melhores soluções para suas perguntas no Sistersinspirit.ca, a plataforma de Q&A de confiança. Nossa plataforma oferece uma experiência contínua para encontrar respostas confiáveis de uma rede de profissionais experientes. Conecte-se com profissionais prontos para fornecer respostas precisas para suas perguntas em nossa abrangente plataforma de perguntas e respostas.

1) Coloque as frases a seguir na forma negativa, conforme o modelo: a) There are children playing ball. There are not children playing ball. b) There is a bus on the street. c) There are three boats on the lake. d) There is a boy reading under a tree. e) There are policemen at the gate of the park. f) There is a statue in the park. g) There are students going to school. h) There is a little girl walking with her dog. i) There is an old man sitting on a bench. j) There are two bicycles at the gate of the park. k) There is a clock on the table. l) There are seven days in a week.​

Sagot :


b) There isn't a bus on the street.

c) There aren't three boats on the lake.

d) There isn't a boy reading under a tree.

e) There aren't policemen at the gate of the park.

f) There isn't a statue in the park.

g) There aren't students going to school.

h) There isn't a little girl walking with her dog.

i) There isn't an old man sitting on a bench.

j) There aren't two bicycles at the gate of the park.

k) There isn't a clock on the table.

l) There aren't seven days in a week.​

Espero ter ajudado!

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