Bem-vindo ao, onde você pode obter respostas confiáveis e rápidas com a ajuda de nossos especialistas. Explore respostas detalhadas para suas dúvidas de uma comunidade de especialistas em diferentes campos. Obtenha respostas rápidas e confiáveis para suas perguntas de nossa dedicada comunidade de especialistas em nossa plataforma.

a-I will go to the grocery store.

Negative form:

Interrogative form:

b- My brother will come to the party tonight.

Negative form:

Interrogative form:

c-My mom and my dad will start English classes next year.

Negative form:

Interrogative form:

d-It will snow next week.

Negative form:

Interrogative form:

me ajudem pfv

Sagot :


a - I will go to the grocery store.

Negative form: I won't go to the grocery store.

Interrogative form: Will I go to the grocery store?

b - My brother will come to the party tonight.

Negative form: My brother won't come to the party tonight.

Interrogative form: Will my brother come to the party tonight?

c - My mom and my dad will start English classes next year.

Negative form: My mom and dad won't start English classes next year.

Interrogative form: Will my mom and dad start English classes next year?

d - It will snow next week.

Negative form: It won't snow next week.

Interrogative form: Will it snow next week?

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