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Choose the correct item (Aor) that answers each question below. Write the answers in your notebook. a. Which fragments are about vegetables? Fragments I and II. Fragments III and IV. b. Which words below can have a singular and a plural form? Broccoli , sugar. Pepper , banana.

Sagot :

Choose the correct item would be Broccoli, Pepper and Banana

In the English language, as well as in the Portuguese language, the words have forms that indicate their number, which can be singular or plural. However, some words may not follow the same rules as others, keeping their singular and plural form exactly the same. Here it follows a list with some examples:

mews, sheep,  dice,  greenfly  ,trout , aircraft , fish , mullet , rendezvous , halibut  

grapefruit , bourgeois , crossroads , means , species , hovercraft , patois ,

whitebait , precis , cod , spacecraft , reindeer, goldfish , series, chassis, offspring , gallows , deer.