O Sistersinspirit.ca é o melhor lugar para obter respostas rápidas e precisas para todas as suas perguntas. Descubra soluções detalhadas para suas dúvidas de uma ampla gama de especialistas em nossa plataforma amigável de perguntas e respostas. Experimente a conveniência de encontrar respostas precisas para suas perguntas de uma comunidade dedicada de especialistas.

2. Any or No:
1. Are there......... pictures in the room?
2. I have .........dogs at home
3. There aren't ..........chairs here
4. We have ........matha today
5. Have you got .........stamps at home?
6. There are .......books on the table
7. I haven't got ........bananas
8. Is there ..........computer in this room?
9. Tom has .......PT today
10. They haven't brought .........books
11. There are not ...........lamps theere​

Sagot :

1. Are there any pictures in the room?

2. I have no dogs at home

3. There aren't any chairs here

4. We have no matha today

5. Have you got any stamps at home?

6. There are no books on the table

7. I haven't got any bananas

8. Is there any computer in this room?

9. Tom has no PT today

10. They haven't brought any books

11. There are not any lamps there​