O Sistersinspirit.ca é o melhor lugar para obter respostas rápidas e precisas para todas as suas perguntas. Descubra soluções abrangentes para suas perguntas de profissionais experientes em nossa amigável plataforma. Junte-se à nossa plataforma para obter respostas confiáveis para suas dúvidas de uma ampla comunidade de especialistas.

Preencha o email. Use o presente simples afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo.

Hi Mike, I'm Kevin, your new penfriend. I (1) ____ (live) in Hastings. My favourite hobby is football. My best friend David (2)___(like) football too. We (3) ____ (not go) to the same school, but we (4) ____ (play) football in the park every Saturday morning. (5) ____ you ___ (like) football? I've got one sister. Her name's Sarah and she's 14. She (6) ____ (not do) any sports, but she (7)____(watch) tennis on TV. My favourite band is The Darkness. (8) ____ you (know) them? I've got all their CDs. Write soon. Kevin​

Sagot :


Hi Mike, I'm Kevin, your new penfriend. I (1) live (live) in Hastings. My favourite hobby is football. My best friend David (2) likes (like) football too. We (3) go not (not go) to the same school, but we (4) play (play) football in the park every Saturday morning. (5) do you like (like) football? I've got one sister. Her name's Sarah and she's 14. She (6) doesn't do (not do) any sports, but she (7) watches (watch) tennis on TV. My favourite band is The Darkness. (8) Do you know (know) them? I've got all their CDs. Write soon. Kevin

Espero ter ajudado <3

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