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1. Responda de acordo com o texto: Elvis Presley Elvis Aaron Presley was born to Vernon and Gladys Presley in a two-room house in Tupelo, Mississippi, on January 8, 1935. His twin brother, Jessie Garon, was stillbom, leaving Elvis to grow up as an only child. He and his parents moved to Memphis, Tennessee, in 1948, and Elvis graduated from Humes High School there in 1953.
What are Elvis's parents' names?
When was he born?
Did Elvis have a twin brother?
Where did they move in?
me ajudem​

Sagot :


1- Gladys Presley and Jessie Garon

2- January 8, 1935

3- Yes, he did. His name was Jessie Garon.

4- Memphis, in Tenessee

hope you get everything right, xo