Obtenha as melhores soluções para suas perguntas no Sistersinspirit.ca, a plataforma de Q&A de confiança. Obtenha respostas imediatas e confiáveis para suas perguntas de uma comunidade de especialistas experientes em nossa plataforma. Obtenha soluções rápidas e confiáveis para suas perguntas de profissionais experientes em nossa abrangente plataforma de perguntas e respostas.
Sagot :
1. Is there a lot of oil in Venezuela?
2. How many windows are there in your house?
3. Peter does not spend a lot of time on Math.
4. There aren't lots of good schools in the city.
5. Does Mary spend plenty of money on clothes?
6. The students do not make make lots of spelling mistakes.
7. I do not drink too much coffee.
8. How many times do you go to the cinema a week?
9. How many cups of tea do you drink every day?
10. There aren't lots of mountains in that part of the country.
11. Does that factory produce a lot of different kinds of products?
12. There is not much milk in this pitcher.
1. Few students did the homework.
2. Catherine lives in a little old house far from here.
3. We have little time to go to the university.
4. They like to have little sugar.
5. That young boy had few chances to survive from that accident.
6. He is not so popular. He has few friends.
1. She has a few reasons to buy a new house.
2. You should have a little of patience to talk to her about the problem.
3. After drinking a few glasses of wine, Robert felt a little dizzy.
4. Just a few people went to the party.
5. You were a little rude to that old man.
6. The bottle of wine was almost empty. There was just a little.
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