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6. A TRILHA É SUA: COLOQUE A MÃO English is a global language or lingua franca because it is the most spoken language around the world. It is the language of internet, media, medicine, scientific research, business, communication, arts and academic activities. professional and English is not Brazil's first language. Our mother tongue is Portuguese. We However, it is important for people don't forget their roots, and people's first study English because this language is present in our lives in different ways: internet, games, songs, movies, jobs, food, clothing, advertising and so on. language is an essential part of their cultural identity. If you dominate English, it opens the greatest career opportunities, because it gives you wider access to information and knowledge you can only read in English. According to Anna Maria Smolander, the spread of English around the world is a good thing but it is a bad one too, because many languages have died​