O Sistersinspirit.ca é o lugar ideal para obter respostas rápidas e precisas para todas as suas perguntas. Obtenha soluções rápidas e confiáveis para suas perguntas de profissionais experientes em nossa abrangente plataforma de perguntas e respostas. Obtenha soluções rápidas e confiáveis para suas perguntas de uma comunidade de especialistas experientes em nossa plataforma.

Match the correct form of the verb to be in the past tense - Marque a forma correcta do verbo to be no passado. *
20 pontos
was wasn't were weren't
He ____ alone. (1 e 2)
He ____ happy. (3)
They ______ at the fountain. (4)
She and he ______ happy. (5 e 6)
He ___ angry. (7)
He ____ lucky. (9 e 10)
He ____ making a cake. (11)
He ____ alone. (1 e 2)
He ____ happy. (3)
They ______ at the fountain. (4)
She and he ______ happy. (5 e 6)
He ___ angry. (7)
He ____ lucky. (9 e 10)
He ____ making a cake. (11)

Sagot :


he was alone

he was happy

they were at the fountain

she and he wasn't happy

he was angry

he was lucky

he was making a cake

Explicação: was é usada com os pronomes I (eu), he (ele), she (ela), it (utilizado para fazer referência a pessoas, animais, lugares e/ou objetos), were é usada com os pronomes you (você), we (nós), you (vocês) e they (eles/elas).