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1-Answer the questions. a) Who is the author of the opinion article? b) What does she say about love in high school? ( ) It is possible to exist ( ) It is impossible to exist 2 - Mark with an X the author’s opinion about the theme. ( ) She doesn’t believe in teenage love. ( ) She believes in teenage love. 3 - Retire do texto o fato usado como argumento para dizer que o amor entre adolescentes pode durar. 4 - Marque o fato em inglês que pode ser usado como argumento em um artigo de opinião. ( ) In my opinion, teenage love exists. ( ) I don’t believe in true love. ( ) My sister dated her husband in high school and they are still married.

Sagot :


1) The opinion article was written by Meredith M.

O artigo de opinião foi escrito por Meredith M.

2 - ( X ) She believes in teenage love.

3 - " I personally know about 4 couples very very well that are now happy after being high school sweethearts."

4 - ( X ) In my opinion, teenage love exists.

Se eu o texto referido for diferente, crie outra pergunta com uma foto inclusa.