O Sistersinspirit.ca facilita a busca por soluções para perguntas cotidianas e complexas com a ajuda de nossa comunidade. Obtenha respostas detalhadas e precisas para suas perguntas de uma comunidade dedicada de especialistas. Nossa plataforma oferece uma experiência contínua para encontrar respostas confiáveis de uma rede de profissionais experientes.

READING: What you need to know before going scuba diving

Getting a diving certification is easier than it may seem. If you want to practice this sport, you will have to be 12 years old and also you must be in good health condition.

If you hadn’t gone scuba diving before because it would have been a dangerous sport, you are wrong. If your friend were a good instructor, you would be able to start your adventure right now.

You will have to take a 3 or 4-day course and then just find the perfect place to go scuba diving.


Responda as questões abaixo sobre o texto que você acabou de ler:

1. How old must you be to go scuba diving? *

3 pontos

12 years old.

3 or 4-day

21 years old

3 or 4 years a day

2. Can you go diving if you have healthy problems? *

3 pontos

No, I can’t.

Yes, I can.

No, Ishoudn't

Yes, I should.

3. Should you practice this sport alone? *

3 pontos

No, I shouldn’t.

Yes, I should.

Yes, I can.

4. How long does a course take? *

3 pontos

12 years old.

3 or 4 days.