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Read the text and do the following activity.
A le
letter from Aline
145 Trafalgar Rd.
Oakville, Ontario
April 12th
Dear family,
How are you? I’m very happy here in Oakville, Canada. The McKenzies are a nice
family and I’m glad to stay with them. They help me a lot with my English and with
other school subjects. I can read and write English much be� er now.
Let me tell you a li� le about Oakville. With a population of 165,613, the town
of Oakville is located 20 km southwest from Toronto and on the shore of Lake
Ontario. It is near Burlington, the city where Patricia is staying. Remember? It is
more than a hundred years old, but today you can see beautiful and urbanized
streets with modern buildings in the city and you can go to Toronto by the
expressway or the railway.
Residents enjoy a good quality of life and can practice various kinds of
sports all through the year, such as golf, ice hockey, yacht and � shing. It is only
about two hours by car to the famous tourist place: Niagara Falls. Oakville has
many parks, a museum and an art gallery, a busy harbor with many boats in
spring and summer, and it also has annual festivals, such as the Waterfront
Festivals of Classics and Jazz. These festivals a� ract people from all around the
metropolitan area of Ontario. The town has several quality schools and Sheridan
College, where I am studying.
Here is some more information about the McKenzies and their home. You
know, there are John and Susie, and their kids, Bob and Sarah. Sarah is about
my age and Bob is only thirteen. John is an architect and Susie is a teacher at
Sheridan College. Their house is very comfortable, and it is near the college. There
are four bedrooms in the house and I have one all to myself. There is a big park
behind the house where we can go for a walk and play some sports. There are some
restaurants on our street, but we don’t eat out together very often. There are
several movie theaters in the shopping mall four blocks away.
Sheridan College is on the same road where I live. There are 6,500 students on
this campus and many come from other countries, like me. I usually have lunch at the
college cafeteria. I like to spend my free time during the day at the Student Centre or
at the library because the family usually gets together only at dinner time.
I miss you, but I am having a wonderful time here.
Hugs and lots of love,

2.Right (R) or wrong (W)? Correct the wrong information.
a) The McKenzies are Aline’s host family in Canada. ( )
b) Aline and Patricia are in the same city. ( )
c) Oakville is located near Toronto and on the coast of the
Atlantic Ocean. ( )
Useful language
d) There are restaurants, a shopping mall, a park and a college near the McKenzies’
home. ( )
e) Aline is older than Bob. ( )
f) The McKenzies always have lunch together. ( )
g) Aline is in high school. ( )

3.Answer these questions to describe a day in your life.
a) What time do you get up?
b) What do you have for breakfast?
c) Do you go to school in the morning or in the afternoon?
d) Is your school far from home?
e) How do you get to school?
f) What are your favorite subjects?
g) Are your teachers nice?
h) Who is your best school friend?
i) When do you get home?
j) Do you watch TV every day?
k) What programs do you usually see?
l) Do you play any sports? Which ones?
m) What time do you go to bed?

Sagot :



a) R

b) W - She lives in Burlington

c) W - The town  of Oakville is located 20 km southwest from Toronto and on the shore of Lake  Ontario.

d) R

e) R

f) W - They always have dinner together

g) W - She's in college

3. As respostas são pessoais, mas vou colocar algumas respostas aleatórias de exemplo, você pode alterar se quiser.

a) I usually get up at 7a.m

b) I have cereal and some fruit for breakfeast

c) I go to school in the morning

d) My school is near my home, about three blocks away

e) My father drives my to school on his car

f) My favorite subjects are english and math

g) My teachers are very nice

h) My best school friend's name is Talita

i) I get home at 2p.m

j) I just watch tv on weekends

k) I usually see movies or my favorite shows

l) I play soccer and volleyball

m) I usually go to bed at 10p.m


espero ter ajudado!

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