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My name is Stephanie. I have a big family, My mother lo Suzanne. She's 45 years old. She is a pilot. What does a pilot do? The pilot files planes. My father is Mark. He's 46 years old. He's a vet. He works at the animal hospital. My mom and my dad work during the week. They don't work on the weekends. My sister is Sard. She goes to College and she works at at the sbrary. She helps the local librarian. We wie in a house and our house is next to the park. We like watching movies and dancing. Read and answer the questions. 1) What is her name? 2) What does her mother do 3) How old is her father? 4) Where is their house? 5) What do they like doing? Answer TRUE OR FALSE. 1) He mother is a pilot. 2) Mark works at the supermarket. 3) Her mom and dad work on the weekends. 4) Her sister works at the library. 5) They live next to the park. TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE ​

Sagot :


1) Her name is Stephanie;

2) She is a pilot files planes;

3) He is 46 years old;

4) Their house is next to the park;

5) They like to watch movies and dancing;


1) true;

2) false;

3) false;

4) true;

5) true.