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Verb to be

Rewrite in the negative and interrogative forms.



- You are my uncle.

- I am a student.

- Patrick is tired.

- They are fifteen.

- Tom is angry.

- My father is old.

- She is thirteen

- We are happy.

- He is a good boy.

- I'm nine years old.

- My sister is sad.

- Your dog is black.

- She is my mother

- We are at home.

They are smart.​

Verb To BeRewrite In The Negative And Interrogative FormsNegativeInterrogative You Are My Uncle I Am A Student Patrick Is Tired They Are Fifteen Tom Is Angry My class=

Sagot :

you are not my uncle

a Im not a student

Patrick is not tired

they are not fifteeen

tom is not angry

my fhather not is old

she is not thirteen

we are not happy

he is not a good boy

i'm nine not years old

my sister not is Sad

your dog not is black

she is not my mother

we are not at home

they are not smart


na forma negativa você acrescenta o ( not) na frente de dois nomes e na forma interrogativa e só acrescentar o sinal de (?) na frente de cada nome exemplo they are not smart ? negativa exemplo they are not smart

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