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leia o texto e responda:

What is the matter? We travel ( in ) / ( on ) / ( at ) summer to the beach. My parents like playing table tennis and love playing the guitar in a Family reunion. But the party will be ( in ) / ( on ) / ( at ) eight o'clock, (in)/(on)/(at) the evening (in)/(on)/(at) September 26th. QUESTÃO 43 Leia o texto acima e marque com um X a sequência correta das preposições no texto: (A) on summer/ at eight o'clock / in the evening / in September 26th (B) in summer / at eight o'clock / in the evening / on September 26th (C) at summer / on eight o'clock / at the evening / in September 26th (D) in summer / at eight o'clock / at the evening / on September 26th

ajuda urgente​

Sagot :



Alto e gordo