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Surveys show that kids are addicted to their smartphones and other mobile devices. So if it seems as if teenagers are spending a lot of time connected to their screens, that’s because they are. About a quarter of their day to be exact. The average teen between 13 and 18 spends about nine hours a day consuming media – and that is outside of their school and homework. Kids aged 8 to 12 , or tweens, are spending about six hours in front of the screens. They are watching shows, playing games, connecting on social media and listening to music – sometimes all at the same time. Multitasking is the new normal when it comes to homework time. Most teens listen to music while doing their homework, but many also watch TV ( 51%) and text ( 60%). Being asked teenagers say they don’t think it is a problem and don’t believe it has any impact on the quality of their work. However, there is evidence that suggests multitasking makes it harder to retain information and that you might perform more poorly on the tasks you are doing. Another fact surveys find is that it seems kids spend more time consuming media than connecting with their parents and even their teachers. ( ISL Collective) I) Sobre o texto : 1) Leia o texto. Observe as palavras transparentes e use todo conhecimento que você já tem da língua inglesa.​