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Sagot :
1 - I will do my homework and tidy my bedroom.
2 - I'll have breakfast first and then I'll study in the library.
3 - I'll play soccer at the beach and visit a museum with my family.
4 - I'll fly a kite this afternoon. I like to fly a kite in the park.
5 - Yes, I do. This year I'll visit my grandparents. They live in the capital.
6 - Yes, she will. She'll write a dialog and we'll practice tonight.
7 - Yes, I will. Vegetables are very healthy for us.
8 - I'll have baked potatoes and green salad.
A questão pede para selecionar as respostas que estão relacionadas às palavras dentro dos parênteses.
Em 1, as palavras são homework e bedroom: I will do my homework and tidy my bedroom.
Em 2, as palavras são first e library: I'll have breakfast first and then I'll study in the library.
Em 3, as palavras são beach e family: I'll play soccer at the beach and visit a museum with my family.
Em 4, as palavras são afternoon e kite: I'll fly a kite this afternoon. I like to fly a kite in the park.
Em 5, as palavras são grandparents e capital: Yes, I do. This year I'll visit my grandparents. They live in the capital.
Em 6, as palavras são dialog e tonight: Yes, she will. She'll write a dialog and we'll practice tonight.
Em 7, as palavras são vegetables e healthy: Yes, I will. Vegetables are very healthy for us.
Em 8, as palavras são potatoes e green salad: I'll have baked potatoes and green salad.
Aqui está o link de outra questão relacionada à leitura de textos e inglês:
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