
O é a melhor solução para quem busca respostas rápidas e precisas para suas perguntas. Conecte-se com uma comunidade de especialistas prontos para fornecer soluções precisas para suas perguntas de maneira rápida e eficiente em nossa amigável plataforma de perguntas e respostas. Descubra soluções abrangentes para suas perguntas de profissionais experientes em nossa amigável plataforma.

Alguém consegue me ajudar ?, por favor!

1.1: Put the verb into the correct form. (ponha o verbo em sua forma



Please don’t make so much noise. I am studying. (study)

Let’s go out

now. It isn’t raining (not/rain) anymore.

Listen to those

people. What language are they speaking? (they/speak)

Please be quiet. I ____________________(try)

to concentrate.

Look! It ________________(snow).

Why ______________________(you/look) at me

like that? Did I say something wrong?

You __________________ (make) a lot of noise.

Can you be a little bit quieter?

Excuse me, I ____________________(look) for a

phone booth. Is there one near here?

(at the movies) It’s a good movie, isn’t it?

______________________(you/enjoy) it?

Listen! Can you hear those people next door?

They _________________(yell) at each other again.


______________________(you/wear) your coat today? It’s very warm.

I ___________________(not/work) this week. I’m

on vacation.

I want to lose weight. I

______________________(not/eat) anything today.

1.2: Complete these sentences using one of these verbs: (complete as

sentenças usando um dos verbos)

Get Become

Change Rise Improve

Fall Increase

You don’t have to use all the verbs and

you can use some of them more than once.

(Você não tem que usar todos os

verbos e você pode usar uns mais que outros)

Example: The population of

the world is rising very fast.

The number of people without jobs

______________ at the moment.

He is still sick, but he _____________________

better slowly.

These days food ________________________ more

and more expensive.

The world ____________________. Things never

stay the same.

The cost of living ________________________.

Every year things are more expensive.

George has gone to work in Spain. At first,

his Spanish wasn’t very good, but now it ________________.

The economic situation is already very bad,

and it _____________________worse.

1.3: Read this conversation between Brian and Steve. Put each verb into

the correct form.

(Leia esta conversa entre Brian e Steve. Coloque cada verbo na forma


Brian and Steve meet in a restaurant.

Brian: Hello, Steve. I haven’t seen you for ages. What (1) are you

doing (you/do) these days?

Steve: I (2)________________________________________(work) in a

department store.

Brian: Really? (3)_____________________________________________(you/enjoy)


Steve: Yeah, it’s ok. How about you?

Brian: Well, I (4)__________________________________(not/work) at the

moment, but I’m very busy. I (5)____________________________________________(build)

a house.

Steve: Really? (6)________________________________________(you/do) it


Brian: No, some friends of mine (7)______________________________________(help)me

Sagot :


1) am trying

2) are you looking

3) are making

4) am looking

5) did you enjoy

6) are yelling

7) are you wearing

8) am not working

9) won´t eat


1) is increasing

2) will get

3) are becoming

4) is changing

5) is increasing

6) is improving

7) will get


1) am working

2) are you enjoying

3) am not working

4) am building

5) are you doing it

6) are helping


Espero ter ajudado ;)