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Observe o texto abaixo e escolha a alternativa que complete as lacunas na 1 ponto ordem correta: Rob and I went to a soccer game yesterday. We had a great time! Our team won the game what made (1) Rob and I very happy! Our favorite player, Will Nelson, was amazing, too! We saw (2) Will Nelson score two goals in a role. On our way back home, we decided to take the bus. But we couldn't take (3) the bus because it was too crowded. Then we walked home. When we got there, mom ordered pizza to celebrate. I asked (4) mom if I could invite Rob to eat there too and she said it was OK. We had dinner with mom and dad and told 16: mom and dad all about the game and Will Nelson. O us / him/it/her/them O mine he/it/she/they O O O O O We / him/it/she/them O / us / he / its / her, they O us / him/ its / she/them​