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From: Camila Oliveira
To: Barak Obama
Date: 12/03/2015
Subject: Meeting Dec 23rd
Dear Mr. Obama,
I am writing in reference to our meeting on December 23rd, 2015.

As agreed, I am traveling to United States to visit you and your beloved wife Mrs. Obama. I have been waiting for this meeting for a long time and I would like to ensure how excited I am.

Moreover, I would like to apply for the administrative position listed on the previous e-mail I have received from you. I believe I have the perfect qualification to fulfill the position. Besides, I would rather work with you and your lovely staff for as long as you think it may be necessary than to anyone else.

Please, find attached my resumè. I would appreciate it if we could discuss about this topic during our meeting.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
Camila Oliveira

1) Qual é o assunto do texto?
2) Que gênero de texto é esse?

Sagot :


a) O assunto é a ida de Camilla para os Estados Unidos, ela afirma que está muito animada pela reunião com o Senhor Obama e que está ansiosa para conhecer ele e a sua esposa. Ela também quer se candidatar para a vaga administrativa que o Obama citou no último email.

b) O gênero é uma carta formal.



a)The subject is Camilla's trip to the United States, she ensures how excited she is for the meeting with Mr. Obama and that she's anxious to meet he and his wife.

She also wants to apply to the administrative position which Obama listed in his last email.

b) It's a formal letter.