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Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow. SHINING STAR BUS COMPANY (PTY) Ltd Shining Star Bus Company (Pty) Ltd transport passengers to differ reasonable price. The management of the company wants to convert company that will allow them to sell shares to the public through Security Exchange(JSE). 1.6.1 Identify TWO forms of ownership that are represented by the so Motivate your answer by quoting from the scenario. 1.6.2 Give ONE example of a company that is allowed to sell shares Use the table below as a guide
to answer QUESTION 1.6.1 & 1.6.2 FORM OF MOTIVATION Exa OWNERSHIP 1. 2.

Read The Scenario Below And Answer The Questions That Follow SHINING STAR BUS COMPANY PTY Ltd Shining Star Bus Company Pty Ltd Transport Passengers To Differ Re class=

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Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow. SHINING STAR BUS COMPANY (PTY) Ltd Shining Star Bus Company (Pty) Ltd transport passengers to differ reasonable price. The management of the company wants to convert company that will allow them to sell shares to the public through Security Exchange(JSE). 1.6.1 Identify TWO forms of ownership that are represented by the so Motivate your answer by quoting from the scenario. 1.6.2 Give ONE example of a company that is allowed to sell shares Use the table below as a guide

Explicação:Leia o cenário abaixo e responda às perguntas a seguir. SHINING STAR BUS COMPANY (PTY) Ltd A Shining Star Bus Company (Pty) Ltd transporta passageiros a preços razoáveis. A direção da empresa quer converter empresa que lhes permitirá vender ações ao público por meio de Bolsa de Valores (JSE). 1.6.1 Identifique DUAS formas de propriedade que são representadas pelo então Motive sua resposta citando o cenário. 1.6.2 Dê UM exemplo de uma empresa que tem permissão para vender ações Use a tabela abaixo como um guia

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