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01. Transforme as frases abaixo em frases INTERROGATIVAS no Simple Present:

a) Laila studies English and German. (Study)

Does Laila study English and german?

b) A Boeing flies very high. (fly)

c) You teach Mathematics. (teach)

d) The child kisses his mother and goes to bed. (kiss) (go)

e) My grandfather relaxes after lunch. (relax)

f) This machine ..................... (wash) cars.

g. I mix the ingredientes first. (mix)​

Sagot :


b) Does a boeing fly?

c) Do you teach Maths?

d) Does the child kiss his mother and go to bed?

e) Does my grandfather relax after lunch?

f) Does this machine wash cars?

g) Do I mix the ingredients first?

Espero ter ajudado,

Bons estudos!