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1. Supply the Simple Present Tense:
a) Jane
b) They often
c) She
e) Paul
f) We often
g) The cat
h) Neymar
i) He often
j) We usually
to learn how to swim every day. (try)
in the club on weekends. (dance)
her mother every day. ( kiss )
newspaper at the corner. (buy)
here with his parents. (live)
out of town. (go)
milk every day. (drink)
soccer. (play)
hard. (study)
lunch at 12:00. (have)

Sagot :


Jane______tries________(try)to learn how to swim every day.

b) They often------dance---------(dance)in the club at weekends.

c) We always___go_____(go)to the country in the spring.

d) My friend___lives_______(live)in London.

e) My father____drives______(drive)to the village once a week.

f) I________buy_________(buy)newspaper at the corner.

g) The boy______kisses_____(kiss)his mother every morning.

h) We never____wash______(wash)after dinner.

i) She always___waits______(wait)for me in front of school.

j) Karen and I_____miss_____(miss)the school bus.

k) She_____brushes___________(brush)her hair before going to sleep.


O presente simples só muda sua forma para he/ she/ it.

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