O Sistersinspirit.ca é o lugar ideal para obter respostas rápidas e precisas para todas as suas perguntas. Descubra soluções abrangentes para suas perguntas de profissionais experientes em diversas áreas em nossa plataforma. Junte-se à nossa plataforma de perguntas e respostas para conectar-se com especialistas dedicados a fornecer respostas precisas para suas perguntas em diversas áreas.

Todd: Nice. And what do you
Aimee: I'm also a teacher.
Aimee: I teach English.
Todd: Oh, me too.
Aimee: It's fun, isn't it
Todd: It is. It is very fun. Excuse me, can I ask? How old are
Aimee: Of course, you can ask. I'm 34.
Todd: Okay. Very young. Very young. Where is your mom from?
Aimee: My mum is also from Glasgow.
Todd: Oh, nice. What does she do?
Aimee: Well, she's retired now, but she
was a nurse.
Todd: Oh, nice. And is your dad from
Aimee: Yes, he is.
Todd: What does he do?
Aimee: He's also retired, but he used to
be a teacher.
Todd: Oh, wow. Many teachers.
Aimee: Yes. Looks like it.
Todd: Well, thanks Aimee. Nice talking to you.
Aimee: You too, Todd.

Bo Verb

Point 1: The Be verb has three forms in the present
tense-am, is, are

1. I am a teacher
2. You are a student
3. He is a nice man.
4. She is very smart

Point 2: Use am and am not for the pronoun

1. I am American,
2. I am not tired
3. I'm happy. (am = 'm)
4. I'm not sad, (am 'm)

Point 3: Use are and aro not for the pronoun you

1. You are a student
2. You are not a teacher
3. You're a nice person. (are 're)
4. You're not late. (are not s're not)
5. You aren't late, (are not aren't)

Point 4: Use is and is not for the pronoun sho

1. She is my friend,
2. She is not my sister
3. She's very smart, (se's
4. She's not'here, (is not 's not)
5. She isn't here, (is not isn't)

Point 5: Use is and is not for the pronoun he.

1. He is my friend.
2. He is not my brother.
3. He's very smart. (is = 's)
4. He's not here. (is not = 's
5. He isn't here. (is not = isn't)

Point 6: Use is and is not for the pronoun it.

1. It is cold today.
2. It is not warm.
3. It's easy. (is = 's)
4. It's not hard (is not = 's not)
5. It isn't hard. (is not = isn't)

Point 7: Use are and are not for the pronoun they

1. They are my friends.
2. They are not from here.
3. They're nice people.(are =
4. They're not my shoes. (are
not = 're not)
5. They aren't my shoes. (are
not = aren't)

Point 8: Use are and are not for the pronoun we.

1. We are here.
2. We are not late.
3. We're good friends. (are =
4. We're not busy. (are not =
're not)
5. We aren't busy. (are not