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Questão 2. Pesquise na internet ou em outras fontes, uma música que fala de paz e escreva a letra abaixo.​

Sagot :



We want peace


Come on people

It's time to get together

It's time for the revolution!

Here is once again in our face

Why haven't we learn from our past

We're at the crossroads of our human race

Why are we kicking our own ass

We want peace

We want it yes

We want peace

We want it yes

We want peace

And We want it fast

We want peace

We want it yes

We want peace

We want it yes

We want peace

And We want it fast

We're on the eve of destruction my friends

We are about to go to far

Politicians think that war is the way

But we know that love has the power

We want peace

We want it yes

We want peace

We want it yes

We want peace

And We want it fast

We want peace

We want it yes

We want peace

We want it yes

We want peace

And We want it fast

The solution is simple and fame

There won't be peace if we don't try

In a war there is nothing to gain

When so many people will die

We want peace

We want it yes

We want peace

We want it yes

We want peace

And We want it fast

We want peace

We want it yes

We want peace

We want it yes

We want peace

And We want it fast

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