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Abelardo Junqueira. Faça a TRADUÇÃO PARA O INGLESe registre em seu caderno​

Sagot :

Resposta:Brazilians who have the privilege of traveling extensively in Brazil are, all the time, surprising themselves with the diversity of our natural and cultural treasures. It is a pity that most of these riches are not yet integrated into effective and sensible tourism planning, of national scope, capable of both exploring and preserving these centers of attraction. Think about the jobs that could be generated with the installation of equipment capable of offering all the support infrastructure for an effective internationalization of our tourism. Beside that, imagine how important it would be, for ourselves, to be able to recognize this diversity, to concretely identify the plurality of our customs, our languages, our climates, our geography, our cuisine, our art popular. Among other advantages, well-undertaken tourism acts as a factor of self-awareness and integration of a people: people from different regions start to exchange experiences, to consider the specificities of the ways of living, to recognize the wide variation in cultural values. Not to mention an intensification of ecological awareness: all well-planned tourism not only exposes natural wealth, but teaches how to value and conserve it. It is no exaggeration to say that tourism can represent one of the most objective ways for Brazil to make itself known and for Brazilians to know themselves. (Abelardo Junqueira)

Explicação: so isso:)