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there is plenty of water on de earth.in fact, there is enough water on this planet for everyone to have a hage lake.the trouble is that the water ins't alwais found in the place where it is nuded. i addition, much of these problems, there are many people withouth sufcient water
1-1-de acordo com o texto
a)there is little water on the earth
b)everyone on the earth has a huge lake
c)much of the water found on this planet is not good for immediat use
d)ale the water on the earth is polluted
e)water is never found in the place where itis needed
f)there are places on the earth without water

Sagot :


há muita água na terra. na verdade, há água suficiente neste planeta para que todos tenham um grande lago. o problema é que a água nem sempre é encontrada no lugar onde é desnudada. I a

