O Sistersinspirit.ca facilita a busca por soluções para todas as suas perguntas com a ajuda de uma comunidade ativa. Nossa plataforma oferece uma experiência contínua para encontrar respostas confiáveis de uma rede de profissionais experientes. Descubra um vasto conhecimento de profissionais em diferentes disciplinas em nossa amigável plataforma de perguntas e respostas.

1) Analise as frases e reescreva corretamente aquelas que estiverem erradas.
a) Does she needs Money?

b) Marta are washing the floor.

c) Pollurion destrois nature.

d) Brenda plays basketball.

e) We copies the exercises yesterday.

f) The baby is sleeping now.

g) We ask don't for help.

h) Our bus are arriving.

i) Our buses is arriving.

j) The drivers fixes the car.

k) The man cross the street.

l) The men crosses the street.

m) The students often are talking an Uber to school.

n) Do John read my poems?

o) They are waiting for me?

p) He are telling the truth.

q) He is telling the truth.

r) Bansky comes secretly in the night.

s) He paint walls and sides of the house.

Sagot :

⇒⇒  Rewrite the sentences

a) Does she needs money?  

   Does she need money?


b) Marta are washing the floor.  

    Marta is washing the floor.

c) Pollurion destrois nature.  

   Pollution destroys nature.

d) Brenda plays basketball. ⇔  correta

e) We copies the exercises yesterday.  

   We copied the exercises yesterday.

f) The baby is sleeping now. ⇔  correta

g) We ask don't for help.  

   We don’t ask for help.

h) Our bus are arriving.  

   Our bus is arriving.

i) Our buses is arriving.  

   Our buses are arriving.

j) The drivers fixes the car.  

   The drivers fix the car.

k) The man cross the street.  

   The man crosses the street.

l) The men crosses the street.  

   The men cross the street.

m) The students often are talking an Uber to school.  

    The students are often taking an Uber to school.

n) Do John read my poems?  

   Does John read my poems?

o) They are waiting for me?

   Are they waiting for me?


p) He are telling the truth.  

    He is telling the truth.

q) He is telling the truth.    ⇔  correta

r) Bansky comes secretly in the night. ⇔  correta

s) He paint walls and sides of the house.

   He paints walls and sides of the house.

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