O Sistersinspirit.ca facilita a busca por soluções para perguntas cotidianas e complexas com a ajuda de nossa comunidade. Descubra respostas abrangentes para suas perguntas de profissionais experientes em nossa plataforma amigável. Explore milhares de perguntas e respostas de uma comunidade de especialistas em nossa plataforma amigável.

Questão 4. Complete as frases com a forma do verbo to be no presente simples (am, is, are).
a) 1 at home.
b) She not at home in the morning.
c) We
in the park.
d) This
my new laptop.
e) Our friends on their summer holidays.
f) Uncle George a good football player.
g) The dog under the table.
h) Не
very funny.
i) The shoes white.
j) My sister a good swimmer.
Questão 5. Reescreva as frases na forma negativa. Observe a colocação correta da partícula​

Sagot :


a) I am at home.

b) She is not at home in the morning.

c) We are  in the park.

d) This is  my new laptop.

e) Our friends are on their summer holidays.

f) Uncle George is a good football player.

g) The dog is under the table.

h) Не is  very funny.

i) The shoes are white.

j) My sister is a good swimmer.