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Todas as alternativas a seguir estão no singular exceto: (All of the following are in the singular except:) *

A I have a new car.

B She has a black purse.

C We have large houses.

D He has a good friend.

Das alternativas a seguir, somente uma não pode ser empregada a forma "have" do Verbo "To Have". (Of the alternatives below, only one cannot be used in the have form of the Verb to Have.) *

A She ____________black hair.

B They ____________green car.

C We______________a large houses.

D They are very rich. They ____________much money.

Leia o texto a seguir, depois responda as questões subsequentes: ( Read the following text, then answer the subsequent questions:)Text: LOVE - This picture shows two girls and a boy. They seem very happy. Simone loves Bob very much. Bobs loves Simone, too. Bob has a good job. He is a young engineer and works for a big company. Simone is a secretary and works in an office. They plan to get married soon. Ann wishes Simone and Bob a happy marriage. O que a imagem mostra? (What the picture shows?) *

A The picture shows girls and boys.

B The picture shows two girls and two boys.

C The picture shows a girl and a boy.

D The picture shows two girls and a boy.

Com base no texto "Love", responda: (Based on the text "Love", answer:) Quem é Bob? (Who is Bob?) Ond e ele trabalha? (Where does he work?) *

A He is mechanical and works for a big company.

B He is old engineer and works for a big company.

C He is a young engineer and works for a big company.

D He is a young joiner and works for a big company.

Sagot :


1. C) We have large houses.

2. A) She ____________ black hair.

3. D) The picture shows two girls and a boy.

4. C) He is a young engineer and works for a big company.


  • 1. A letra C é a correta porque é a única que está no plural.

A) I have a new car. Pronome pessoal = I (Eu) - Singular

B) She has a black purse. - Pronome pessoal = She (Ela) - Singular

C) We have large houses. - Pronome pessoal = We (Nós) - Plural

D) He has a good friend. - Pronome pessoal = He (Ele) - Singular

  • 2. A Letra A está correta porque é a única que se usa HAS. Se usa HAS para She/he/it e HAVE para We/you/they/ I

A) She has black hair.

B) They have green car.

C) We have a large houses.

D) They are very rich. They have much money.

  • 3. A Letra D está correta porque no texto está dizendo que a imagem mostra duas meninas e um menino.

D) The picture shows two girls and a boy.

  • 4. A letra C está correta porque no texto diz que o Ele é um jovem engenheiro e trabalha para uma grande empresa

C) He is a young engineer and works for a big company