
Bem-vindo ao, onde suas perguntas são respondidas por especialistas e membros experientes da comunidade. Conecte-se com uma comunidade de especialistas prontos para ajudar você a encontrar soluções para suas dúvidas de maneira rápida e precisa. Explore nossa plataforma de perguntas e respostas para encontrar respostas detalhadas de uma ampla gama de especialistas em diversas áreas.

Fill in who, whose or which.

1. The man ____________ spoke is my father.
2. The car _____________ he bought last Thursday was very cheap.
3. Tom, _______________is my brother, won the match.
4. The waiter ____________ we gave the tip was very pleased.
5. That's the man ____________ house was destroyed by a tornado.
6. The man over there ___________face is dirty saved the child.
7. The chair on ______________ I was sitting broke down.
8. The pupils ______________ he was speaking to were very noisy.
9. ______________are you speaking to?
10. The crowd ____________ was very angry began to shout.
11. The man ______________ you saw yesterday is my uncle.
12. The cupboard _____________ we bought last Saturday was expensive.
13. This is the bike _____________ I told about you last Sunday.
14. My friend _____________ I have been waiting for two hours hasn't returned.
15. Thank you for the present _____________you sent me.

Sagot :

1. Who
2. Whose
3. Who
5. Whose
6. Who
7. Which
8. Which
9. Who
10. Who
11. Who
12. Which
13. Whose
15. Which