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A tradução para: “Ela estuda para a prova?”: *
1 ponto
She studies for the test?
Does she study for the test?
She does study for the test?
She doesn’t study for the test?
Sobre o uso dos Personal Pronouns, marque a alternativa CORRETA: *
1 ponto
Ana is my sister; Ana pode ser substituída por “she”.
The dog is old; the dog pode ser substituído por “they”.
The students are here; the students pode ser substituído por “he”
Erick and I live in Gama; Erick and I pode ser substituído por “they”.
Escolha a alternativa na qual o uso do Presente Simples está correto: *
1 ponto
Jim play with his dog all day.
Tom run the São Silvestre.
They don't want the new modification
He don't sing alone.
A forma correta no Simple Present dos verbos HAVE, SING, WATCH, WRITE e STUDY na 3ª pessoa do singular (he, she e it): *
1 ponto
haves, singes, watches, writes, studyes
has, sings, watchs, writies, studies
have, sings, watches, write, study
has, sings, watches, writes, studies.
Segundo a regra de acréscimo para HE, SHE e IT, quando o verbo termina em Y e é precedido de consoante, acrescentamos: *
1 ponto
Assinale a forma negativa da frase: "He studies French alone." *
1 ponto
He doesn't study French alone.
He doesn't studies French alone.
He don't study French alone.
He don't studies French alone.
Assinale a forma interrogativa da frase: " They have a big car". *
1 ponto
Does they have a big car?
Do they has a big car?
Do they have a big car?
Does tey has a big car?​

Sagot :


1) Does she study for the test?

2) Ana is my sister; Ana pode ser substituída por “she”.

3) They don't want the new modification.

4) Has, sings, watches, writes, studies.

5) Quando o verbo termina em Y, acrescentamos o ies.

6) He doesn't study French alone.

7) Do they have a big car?

Espero ter ajudado

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