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1 - Read the text and circle the correct indefinite pronoun: Leia o texto e circule corretamente o pronome indefinido: Depois marque a alternativa correta.

The mysterious
That was a cold and stormy night. Everybory went to bed earlier than usual, but I dicided to stay in the living room reading my new novel about mystery. Suddenly, something/ somebory happened in the kitchen, I heard a strange noise. I stood up and went rapidly to see what was happening. I couldn’t see nothing out of the ordinary. Everything was calm and quiet. I came back to the living room and kept on reading my book ... when I opened the second page, I heard a noise coming from the front window and shadow disapearing in the night ... when I looked through the window I saw anybody / anywhere. It was a very rare night. Every time I tried to read my book book somewhere / something inexplicable lhappened. Was the misterious novel becoming true? ?... I examined everywhere living room, I was trying to find the odd thing that was producing the strange noises,but I could find anything / anywhere ... finally, I diceded to go to bed and forget about that scary night.

a) somebory, anywhere, somewhere, anything

b)something, anywhere, somewhere, anywhere

c)something, anybory, something, anything

d)something, somewhere, somewhere, anywhere

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