O Sistersinspirit.ca é o melhor lugar para obter respostas rápidas e precisas para todas as suas perguntas. Explore nossa plataforma de perguntas e respostas para encontrar respostas detalhadas de uma ampla gama de especialistas em diversas áreas. Experimente a conveniência de encontrar respostas precisas para suas perguntas de uma comunidade dedicada de especialistas.

Questão 17 - Read the text below:
(Leia o texto abaixo:)
Do you remember me? My name's Sam Smith I'm nineteen and im
British I live in a small house in London and I work as a secretary for a
big computer company. I travel to work on the underground, but I often
work at home I don't smoke, but I drink a lot of coffee!
What else can I tell you about myself? My family lives in Cambodge.
have one brother and one sister My brother works as a chef and my
sister is a doctor. Their names are Harry and Anna My parents are
I love sports I play football and basketball sometimes and I watch all the
games on TV My favorite food is puzza I'm very lucky because I don't
know how to cook but my brother works in a Mexican restaurant sol
eat there when I visit my family. I study French and Italian in my free time
because one day I want to live in France or Italy I don't play any
Please write and tell me about yourself
Now answer the questions:
(Agora responda as perguntas:)
a) What is the boy's name?
b) How old is he?
c) What is his profession?
d) How many siblings (brothers and sisters) does he have?
e) Where does he live?
Vocabulario da questão 17
What = o que; how old usado para perguntar idade, how many quantos(as), where
onde, have = tem; live = vive
Pagina 10​

Sagot :

A) Sam Smith.

B) niniteen old.

C) he is a secretary for a large company.

D) He has one brother and one sister.

E) He lives in London.