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2) Use the comparative forms:

a) Lucy is ____________ than Ellie. (old)

b) Russia is as _____________ as the UK. (far)

c) My Latin class is as _______________ as my Geography class. (boring)

d) In the UK, the streets are generally _______________ than in the USA. (narrow)

e) London is as ______________ as Glasgow. (busy)

f) Amanda is _________________than her classmates. (ambitious)

g) My garden is a lot ___________________ than this park. (colourful)

h) His house is a bit ___________________ than a hotel. (comfortable)

Sagot :


A) oldest

B) farthest

C) the most boring

D) narrowest

E) Busiest

F) The most ambitious

G) The most Colourful

H) The most comfortable


Espero ter ajudado :)