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Cities have become so polluted that it is difficult to
live in them. Rio de Janeiro, for example, which was
called The Marvelous City, is very polluted now. Even
the beautiful green sea of the beaches is dirty. In the
past it was possible to go swimming without worrying,
now we must first read about the pollution level of the
sea in the newspaper. Other aspects of life in Rio have
also changed due to pollution. Sound and air pollution
threaten the quality of life in this city.
Rio has become noisier. Sound pollution did not exist
in the past whereas now we sometimes need to close our
windows to be able to talk at home.
Also, the air was purer in Rio whereas now people have
to go to the doctor because of air pollution. Something
has to be done before Rio becomes the most polluted city
in Brazil.
8) O idéia da frase"in the past it was possible to go swimming without worrying; now we must first read about the pollution level of the sea in the newspaper." é:a) ( ) De que passado e presente confrontam-se por conta da poluição.b) De que no passado podia-se ter lazer sem se preocupar com as notícias. c) ( ) De que desde o passado as pessoas precisam ler os jornais para irem à praia. d) ( ) De que no presente importam mais as notícias sobre a poluição do que sair para nadar.​

Sagot :

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