
O facilita a busca por respostas para suas perguntas com a ajuda de uma comunidade ativa. Junte-se à nossa plataforma de perguntas e respostas e obtenha informações precisas de especialistas em diversas áreas. Conecte-se com uma comunidade de especialistas prontos para ajudar você a encontrar soluções para suas perguntas de maneira rápida e precisa.

LEIA O TEXTO E RESPONDA.Did you know?Leonardo da Vinci wrote from right to left - you needed a mirror to read his handwriting.He was a genius - he could write one sentence with his right hand and a different sentence with his left hand.He invented scissors.He drew architect's plans but never built a building.He lost most of the paintings and drawings he did in Milan.He had many talents. He made models and in his notebooks there were plans for a tank, a helicopter and a submarine.His scientific observations were a hundred years before his time.1- No texto encontramos as formas verbais no passado simples de alguns verbos irregulares, como:

a- Write, make, have, build, be, draw.
b- Write, go, have, speak, be , draw.
c- Make, buy, teach, be, say, draw.
d- Write, speak, draw, build, go, be.

Sagot :


write, make, have, build, be, draw

nao tenho certeza se esta correta
