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PAS 2016 - BULLYING ON SOCIAL NETWORKS Bullying isn’t something that just happens in the real world. More and more teenagers are being bulliedonline through social networking sites. If you are getting threatening messages online, there is a number ofways to get them stopped. Some people use social networks to tease and bully others. Cyberbulliers can postabusive messages on your profile wall, add rude comments to a picture you've uploaded, put a video or photoon their own profile that makes fun of someone and encourages their friends to send it to others. Bullying onsocial networks can be tough to deal with, especially if a victim is being bullied by the same person at school.Because it often happens on your own computer at home, online bullying can be very difficult to avoid. If youfeel like you're being bullied on your personal profile, there are some things you can do. If you’re getting bulliedby a linked friend, block him or delete him from your list. You may have fallen out with someone, but think youmay become friends again in the future. If this is the case, blocking them for a short time means you won’t seeany comments they may make that might upset you. You can always unblock the same person later. Ifsomeone is bullying you on your own social profile page, you should keep and save any bullying emails orimages you have been sent; take a screenshot of any comments that are threatening, but then delete them soyou don’t have to read them again; make a note of the time and date that messages or images were sent,along with any details you have about the sender; try changing your online user ID or nickname; do not reply toany bullying messages or get into any online arguments