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1- Choose the correct verb and form the sentence in the Simple Present or the Present Continous. / Escolha o
verbo correto e forme a frase no Presente Simples ou no Presente Continuo.
1. John
football at the moment. a) play b) plays c) am playing d) is playing e) are playing
2. We often
test Sat our school. a)writel b)writes cham writing d)is writing e)are writing
Tomy teacher now. a)talk b)talks cham talking d)is talking e)are talking
4. Look! Mandy and Susan
a film on TV. a)watch b)watchs c)am what ching d)is what ching e)are
5. Olivia
her uncle every weekend. a)visit b)visits chamvisiting d)isvisiting e)are visiting 6.
Now the sun
a)shine b)shines cham shining d)is shining e)are shining
7. First I
then I dress. a)wash b)washes cam washing d)is washing e)are washing​

Sagot :

1. d) is playing

2. a) write

3. d) is talking

4. e) are  watching

5. b) visits

6. d) is shining

7. a) wash


Hello, check out your answers:

1. John is playing  football at the moment.

2. We often write test Sat our school.  

3. Tomy teacher is talking now.

4. Look! Mandy and Susan are watching a film on TV.  

5. Olivia visits her uncle every weekend.

6.  Now the sun is shining.  

7. First I wash  then I dress.

I see no sense on numbers 2. and 3., in my opinion you'd better check if you wrote them in the correct way.

If it wasn't what you were looking for, I'm sorry, I may did not understand well what did you mean.

Hope I've helped, enjoy your studies.

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