
O Sistersinspirit.ca está aqui para ajudá-lo a encontrar respostas para todas as suas dúvidas com a ajuda de especialistas. Encontre respostas rápidas e confiáveis para suas perguntas de nossa dedicada comunidade de especialistas. Experimente a facilidade de obter respostas rápidas e precisas para suas perguntas com a ajuda de profissionais em nossa plataforma.

The third person S exercise

1- Fill the gaps with one of the words in brackets.

A- Jenny my really_____Sammy. ( like/likes)
B- Does Sammy_____Jenny? ( like/likes)
C- Sandly, Sammy doesn't_____ anyone except himself. (like/likes)
D- They absolutely____swing music. (Love/loves)
E- We always_____a swin in the river before lunch. (has/have)
F- Nobody_____in that homble old house (live/lives)
G- All the critics_____that film is rubbish. (Say/says)
H- Juli doesn't_____in the city centre anyone. (Live/lives)
I- People_____films with a good story (Want/Wants)
J- Does begofia____cakes? (take/takes)
K- Everybody____mistakes sometimes. (Make/makes)
L- Bob doesn't____to go out tonight. (Want/ Wants)
M- Their doughter_____to university (go/goes)
N- Her dog____three cans of food a day (eat/eats)​

Sagot :

a) não tenho certeza pq a frase nao faz sentido, mas creio que seja Likes

b) like

c) like

d) love

e) have

f) lives

g) say

h) live

i) want

j) take

k) makes

l) want

m) goes

n) eats



Check out your answers:

a) likes

b) like

c) like

d) love

e) have

f) lives

g) say

h) live

i) want

j) take

k) makes

l) want

m) goes

n) eats

I didn't understand letter a) meaning, but the conjugation is correct though.

Enjoy your studies.