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complete as seguintes frases com o pronome possessivo correspondente ao sujeito. use his e her

A) mary green is opening _______ purse.

B) Tom Baker is Reading ________ book .

C) Mary is carrying ______ umbrella.

D) Sally is carrying ______ notebook.

E) She is talking to _______ teacher .

F)Dick is writing in ________ notebook.

G) He is talking to _____ teacher.

H) Ann is closing ____ purse .

I) John is Reading _____ newspaper.

J) Carol is Reading _______ magazine .

K ) Pedro is closing _____ book.

me ajudem por favor??​

Sagot :


A) mary green is opening her purse.

B) Tom Baker is Reading his book .

C) Mary is carrying her umbrella.

D) Sally is carrying her notebook.

E) She is talking to her teacher .

F)Dick is writing in his notebook.

G) He is talking to his teacher.

H) Ann is closing her purse .

I) John is Reading his newspaper.

J) Carol is Reading her magazine .

K ) Pedro is closing his book.

his - usa quando o sujeito for masculino
her - usa quando o sujeito for feminino

a) her
b) his
c) her
d) her
e) her
f) his
g) his
h) her
i) his
j) her
k) his