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1) Complete the following text using the correct past tense conjugation of
verbs in parenthesis in English:

Last night Susan (go) ____________ to her friend’s birthday party. She (dance)
____________ with her boyfriend, and (eat) ____________ cake. After they
(leave) ____________ the party, Susan and her boyfriend (decide)
____________ to go and watch a movie at the theater. They (see)
____________ the new Transformer’s movie, and then they went home. When
she (get) ____________ home, Susan (take) ____________ a shower and (fall)
____________ asleep quickly.

Choose the correct option from the ones listed below:

a) go/ dance / eat / leave / decide / see / get / take / fall.

b) went / danced / ate / left / decided / saw / got / took / fell.
c) will go / will dance / will eat / will leave / will decide / will see / will get /
will take / will fall.
d) had gone / had danced / had eaten / had left / had decided / had seen /
had gotten / had taken / had fallen.

2)The negative form of He sold his car last week is:

a) He doesn’t sells his car last week
b) He doesn’t sold his car last week.

c) He didn’t sold his car last week.

d) He didn’t sell his car last week.

e) He doesn’t sell his car last week

Sagot :

⇒⇒  Simple past

Last night Susan (go) went to her friend’s birthday party. She (dance)

danced with her boyfriend, and (eat) ate cake. After they left (leave) the party, Susan and her boyfriend (decide) decided to go and watch a movie at the theater. They (see) saw the new Transformer’s movie, and then they went home.

When she (get) got home, Susan (take) took a shower and (fall) fell asleep quickly.

a) go/ dance / eat / leave / decide / see / get / take / fall.

b) went / danced / ate / left / decided / saw / got / took / fell.  √

c) will go / will dance / will eat / will leave / will decide / will see / will get /

will take / will fall.

d) had gone / had danced / had eaten / had left / had decided / had seen /

had gotten / had taken / had fallen.

Alternativa correta letra ''b''

2)The negative form of ''He sold his car last week'' is:

a) He doesn’t sells his car last week

b) He doesn’t sold his car last week.

c) He didn’t sold his car last week.

d) He didn’t sell his car last week.  √

e) He doesn’t sell his car last week.

Alternativa correta letra ''d''

→→ Simple past >>> descreve ações que aconteceram no passado.

I went to school last Friday. - Eu fui à aula sexta passada.

David bought a new car. - David comprou um carro novo.

• Verbos regulares : são verbos que terminam em ''ed'' quando estão no passado

I watched TV yesterday. >> Eu assisti TV ontem.

John worked last week. >> John trabalhou a semana passada.

• Verbos irregulares: são verbos que não terminam em ''ed'' no passado. Cada verbo irregular tem sua forma própria de fazer o passado, ou seja, não seguem nenhuma regra.

I go to school by bus. >> Eu vou à escola de ônibus.

I went to school by bus. >> Eu fui à escola de ônibus.

I have a shower in the morning. >> Eu tomo banho de manhã.

∵∵  Negativa >> did + not + verbo forma regular  (did not = didn't)

I didn't go to school by bus.

They didn't watch TV yesterday.

She didn't work last Sunday.

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