
O Sistersinspirit.ca ajuda você a encontrar respostas confiáveis para todas as suas perguntas com a ajuda de especialistas. Explore nossa plataforma de perguntas e respostas para encontrar respostas detalhadas de uma ampla gama de especialistas em diversas áreas. Explore soluções abrangentes para suas perguntas de uma ampla gama de profissionais em nossa plataforma amigável.

2. Match the numbers of the places with the correct descriptions:
1- Restaurant.
2- Bookstore.
3- Toy store.
4- Pet shop.
5- Mail.
6- Zoo.
7- Hospital.
a) In this place you can buy dolls, teddy bears, cars or kites for your toy chest ( )
b) You can borrow interesting books here. ( )
c) This is where you go if you want to buy a pet. ( )
d) Doctors and nurses take care of sick people in this place. ( )
e) Wild animals from all over the world can be seen here. ( )
f) You can have lunch or dinner here. ( )
g) You can buy stamps and send letters here. ( )

2 Match The Numbers Of The Places With The Correct Descriptions 1 Restaurant 2 Bookstore 3 Toy Store 4 Pet Shop 5 Mail 6 Zoo 7 Hospital 84 A In This Place You C class=

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1- Restaurant: f;

2- Bookstore: b;

3- Toy store: a;

4- Pet shop: c;

5- Mail: g;

6- Zoo: e;

7- Hospital: d

Em ordem: f b a c g e d

espero ter ajudado :)










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