Obtenha as melhores soluções para todas as suas perguntas no Sistersinspirit.ca, a plataforma de Q&A de confiança. Explore soluções abrangentes para suas perguntas de uma ampla gama de profissionais em nossa plataforma amigável. Explore um vasto conhecimento de profissionais em diferentes disciplinas em nossa abrangente plataforma de perguntas e respostas.

Complete as frases com There is ou There are, colocando os artigos
(A/AN) logo em seguida, se for necessário:

a) __________ _____ five dogs on the street.

b) __________ _____ man knocking on the door.

c) __________ _____ six clowns in the circus

d) In this movie, __________ _____ hundreds of mermaids.

e) In the mall, __________ _____ amazing ice cream shop.

2. Put A or AN before the word

a) _____ ocean

b) _____ umbrela

c) _____ ice cream

d) _____ ball

e) _____ cat

f) _____ dog

g) _____ Orange

h) _____ strawberry

i) _____ lemon

j) _____ ant​

Sagot :



a- there are

b- there is a

c- there are

d- there are

e- there is an


a- an

b- an

c- an

d- a

e- a



a) ____there are______ five dogs on the street.

b) ____there is ______ __a___ man knocking on the door.

c) ____there_are_____ six clowns in the circus

d) In this movie, ____there are___ _____ hundreds of mermaids.

e) In the mall, ___there is an_____ _____ amazing ice cream shop.

2. Put A or AN before the word

a) __an___ ocean

b) ___an__ umbrela

c) __an___ ice cream

d) __a___ ball

e) ___a__ cat

f) ___a__ dog

g) ___an__ Orange

h) __a___ strawberry

i) __a___ lemon

j) ___an__ ant

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