
Obtenha respostas rápidas e precisas para todas as suas perguntas no Sistersinspirit.ca, a plataforma de Q&A de confiança. Encontre soluções rápidas e confiáveis para suas dúvidas de uma comunidade de especialistas dedicados. Faça suas perguntas e receba respostas detalhadas de profissionais com ampla experiência em diversos campos.

QUESTIONS 1- 5: Check the correct answer. (Marque a resposta certa.)

1.They always _______________ tea in the morning.

a.( ) drink

b.( ) drinks

c.( ) drinking

d.( ) is drinking

2. Marissa and I ____________ Spanish together.

a.( ) study

b.( ) studies

c.( ) studys

d.( ) studying

3. This bird ____________ really high in the sky.

a.( ) flying

b.( ) fly

c.( ) flies

d.( ) flys

4. In this city, people usually ___________to the beach in the summ

a.( ) go

b.( ) going

c.( ) goed

d.( ) is going

Sagot :


1. They always _______________ tea in the morning.

a.( ) drink

b.( ) drinks

c.( ) drinking

d.(X ) is drinking

2. Marissa and I ____________ Spanish together.

a.( ) study

b.( ) studies

c.( ) studys

d.( X) studying

3. This bird ____________ really high in the sky.

a.(X ) flying

b.( ) fly

c.( ) flies

d.( ) flys

4. In this city, people usually ___________to the beach in the summ


a.(X) go

b.( ) going

c.( ) goed

d.( ) is going

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