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Complete the bank spaces with the right conjugation of the Simple Present Tense. Follow the example:
Example: Anne loves the Jane Austin's work. (love)
a) Cayo _______________to the College tonight. (go)
b) My parents ______________ Italian and French classes on Thurdays every week. (have)
c) Louise __________________at the Brad's Office. (work)
d) I __________________ bread with nuts jelly every morning. (eat)
e) The plain ______________ at 08:00 in the city. (arrive)

Sagot :


a) Cayo goes to the College tonight. (go)

b) My parents have Italian and French classes on Thurdays every week. (have)

c) Louise works at the Brad's Office. (work)

d) I eat bread with nuts jelly every morning. (eat)

e) The plain arrive at 08:00 in the city. (arrive)


Cayo goes to the College tonight. (go)

b) My parents have Italian and French classes on Thurdays every week. (have)

c) Louise works at the Brad's Office. (work)

d) I eat bread with nuts jelly every morning. (eat)

e) The plain arrive at 08:00 in the city. (arrive)


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